Don’t Let Toe Troubles Slow You Down

They may be small, but if you’re experiencing pain in your toes we at Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads know it can definitely hinder your activity level and keep you from performing simple daily functions comfortably, like standing, walking and reaching for items on high shelves. Below are some common causes of toe discomfort and how to alleviate them.

Toe Cramps—anyone who has suffered with toe cramps knows how excruciating the pain can be. Although toe cramps do not usually last and should resolve on their own, you may want to consult your Podiatrist if you seem to be afflicted with them frequently. Tracking down the source of toe cramps can be tricky. They can be caused by too much activity or a repetitive action such as pushing off with your big toe for a sport. In this case, try some gentle stretches such as flexing your toes and standing with the balls of your feet and toes on the ground and slowly raising your heels. You might also consider our Carbon Stabilizer Plates for your athletic shoes as they limit the range of motion and immobilize the big toe joint. Other causes of toe cramping include too little physical activity and being low on electrolytes.

Ingrown Toenail—a toenail that grows back into the skin surrounding the nail bed creates an inflammatory response in the toe, causing swelling, pain and tenderness to the touch. Soaking the affected foot in warm water every day and trying to gently massage the nail out of the skin is a good home remedy to attempt. Do not try to cut the nail out or dig the nail edge out with a sharp instrument. This is likely to result in injury and infection. Our All Gel Toe Cap and Gel and Fabric Toe Cap can cushion and protect an ingrown toenail during the healing process.

Hammertoe—a muscle tendon imbalance is the primary culprit of this toe deformity that causes the toe to bend downward at the joint, resembling a hammer. It’s crucial to treat a hammertoe while it is still flexible. Failure to do so can result in the toe becoming rigidly fixed in the bent position. Not only is this very painful, it can lead to corns and blisters. We offer several products that can help keep your toe properly aligned, including One Toe Gel Crest Pad and Budin Splints that can accommodate one or multiple bent toes. 

We offer many products that bring relief from common foot problems. To see our full selection, view our online catalog. All of our products can be easily ordered online. Contact us if you have questions by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Protect Your Feet During Home Workouts

At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we know that across the country people are self-isolating in their homes due to the Coronavirus. Many people, however, are determined to continue with some form of regular exercise and this is a good idea. The benefits of exercise to your feet and the rest of your body are multiple:

  • Improving circulation
  • Maintaining flexibility and range of motion
  • Lower your risk of heart disease and hypertension
  • Reducing stress
  • Help maintain a healthy weight
  • Lowering cholesterol and blood sugar

Not Your Usual Exercise Routine

Without being able to visit the gym, play a team sport or even go to the store to buy new exercise equipment, staying fit requires some creativity. Fortunately, there are ways to continue to work out indoors. Consider some of these possibilities:

  • Just dance! Energetic dancing burns lots of calories and it releases feel-good endorphins as well. Dig out your old Dance Party game DVDs or just put on a favorite CD or station and get moving. This is a good activity to do with children as well. Mix it up with some freeze dancing and different family members taking turns at being DJ.
  • Use your media. There are an endless number of apps, YouTube videos and even TV exercise shows through which you can find a wide variety of different exercise programs. Whether you want to strength train, burn calories and lose weight or work on specific muscle groups, it’s all there. You may actually discover a new routine or two that you’ll want to continue even after isolation is over.
  • Set up an indoor exercise circuit. Use several rooms if necessary but set up stations for crunches, push-ups, etc. Use the hallway for lunges and the stairs for stepping. Need weights? Try soup cans or various size water bottles or milk jugs.

Keep Feet Safe

Indoors or out, follow appropriate precautions for your feet:

Remember with any new fitness activity, if your feet hurt, stop and contact your Podiatrist for directions. We offer products for all type of foot problems. To see our complete selection, view our online catalog. All products can be easily ordered online or contact us at (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Taking Care of Deformed Toes Before Summer Shoe Season

At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we know that it can be easy to ignore unsightly toe deformities such as bunions, hammertoes or crooked toes during the winter months when feet are pretty much kept out of sight. As summer approaches, however, and open-toe shoe styles start to hit the stores, many patients begin to consider how to correct a deformed toe. Fashion shouldn’t be your top concern, however. In many cases toe deformities can become painfully disabling, making it difficult to stand, walk and perform other daily tasks.

The first step toward correcting unsightly toes is by making an appointment with the Podiatrist. A foot doctor will perform a complete examination of your toes and feet, get a medical history, perform any necessary testing and then diagnose the cause of your deformity. A wide range of treatment options are available both conservative and surgical and the Podiatrist will determine the best course of action based on your individual case.

At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we offer a number of products that can help with a variety of toe deformities. For toes that are crooked or overlapping try our Gel Buddy Splint. Choose small, medium or large, depending on which toes are affected. Our Bunion Night Splint will properly align the big toe and reduce bunion pressure while stretching muscles and tendons. If your Podiatrist performs a surgical correction of your bunion, the splint may be recommended for use after the surgical dressing is removed. Hammertoes can cause multiple difficulties. The downward bend of the toe or toes affected can make walking quite painful. A hammertoe can also result in excessive pressure and friction from footwear to the top or tip of the bent toe leading to corns and calluses. Our Gel Hammer Toe Cushions with Adjustable Crest Pad help with all aspects of this deformity. Relieving pressure and pain on the tips of the toes it also helps lift and straighten bent toes.

Now is the time to deal with toe deformities. To see our full line of podiatric products for toe deformities and other foot problems, go to on our online catalog. All items are easily ordered online, and we offer free shipping on orders of $25 or more. Contact us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Podiatric Care Can Lower Fall Risk

A recently released study showed that podiatric services as part of multi-pronged approach to senior health care resulted in a significant decrease in the rate of falls among older patients. At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we are not surprised by these findings. There are several facets of podiatric care that come into play here:

  • Routine checkups and preventive care
  • Patient education
  • Footwear and orthotics
  • Foot and ankle exercises

All of these types of care work together to reduce foot discomfort and decrease risks associated with falls. In addition, podiatrists and their staff are in a unique position to spot issues of postural instability, footwear and gait. Determining the cause of the abnormality can then lead to proper treatment and/or referral to other healthcare professionals who can help correct the underlying problem and thus prevent a fall.

A Multi-Faceted Approach

The condition and function of your feet impacts your ability to stay upright in several ways. Improper foot function and foot pain can lead to balance issues that increase fall risk. If you suffer with bunions or hammertoes, for example, the deformed position of your toes can lead to an unstable gait and pain that may cause you to alter the way you walk. Using our Spreader with Bunion Combo helps align toes in the proper position and decreases pressure from footwear. Similarly, our Budin Splint for one, two or three toes, gently straightens bent toes and allows them to bear weight normally. In some cases, it’s not major biomechanical problems that raise fall risk. Even minor, commonplace foot problems like an ingrown toenail can generate enough pain to precipitate a fall. While you’re receiving treatment, use our All Gel Toe Cap or our Gel and Fabric Toe Cap to minimize the pain and decrease friction from footwear.

Good podiatric care and relieving foot conditions that cause pain or balance impairment can go a long way to reducing the chance of a fall occurring. View all of our helpful products on our online catalog to find out what we offer. All items are easily ordered online, and we are offering free shipping on orders of $25 or more. Contact us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Foot Problems Plague Football Players

Well, Super Bowl 54 is in the books and at Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads we want to take this opportunity to talk about some of the injuries commonly associated with the game. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or an NFL pro, there are certain foot and ankle problems that are seen more frequently due to the movements required for the sport.

Achilles tendonitis—this is an inflammation of the long tendon that runs along the back of your lower leg connecting the calf muscle to the heel bone. A sudden burst of physical activity as well as repetitive motions that puts stress on the tendon such as sprints and hill climbing can all cause inflammation or rupture. Exercises that stretch and strengthen the calf can help. To get relief from Achilles tendonitis we recommend our Achilles Heel Sleeve or heel lifts. We offer several types of lifts including Adjustable Heel Lifts, and those made of cork and felt.

Plantar Fasciitis—running up and down the field puts a strain on the plantar fascia, the band of tissue that traces the bottom of the foot, which in turn can cause severe heel pain. Wearing shoes with good arch support off the field and keeping the plantar fascia well stretched can decrease symptoms. Our Arch Binder and Plantar Fasciitis Arch Sleeve apply gentle but firm support, while our Gel Heel Cup will protect your heel and lessen pain.

Turf Toe—another common injury to football players is Turf Toe. It is actually a sprain of the big toe and is the result of excessive pushing upward of the big toe joint that happens when running, pushing off and jumping, particularly if you play on an artificial turf field. Football players suffer the largest number of turf toe injuries. Our Carbon Stabilizer Plates are helpful in preventing or limiting turf toe injuries because they stiffen the sole of the shoe and limit the range of motion of the forefoot.

No matter what your sport, we have products that will help increase comfort and decrease risk of injury. To see all of our products, view our online catalog. All of our products can be easily ordered through our website or contact  us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Walk Your Way to a Healthier Heart

February 7th is National Wear Red Day sponsored by the American Heart Association to highlight awareness of women’s heart disease issues as part of American Heart Month. At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we know there is a real connection between foot and heart health. Heart disease impedes circulation which can lead to devastating foot problems. Conversely, your feet play an essential role in allowing you to stay active—a key component in a lifestyle that battles against heart disease. Consider these statistics:

  • Heart disease is the number one killer of women, taking more lives than all types of cancer combined.
  • Heart disease is responsible for the deaths of one in three women.
  • Heart disease is known as the “silent killer.” Often, there are no warning signs or symptoms before a first heart attack.

The good news is that you can take steps to significantly reduce your risk of heart disease. One very important way to do this is by staying physically active and exercising regularly. At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we know this is difficult to do if your feet hurt or you have a chronic foot problem that makes fitness activities painful. That’s why we offer many products that can help relieve foot pain and make working out more comfortable. Here’s a sampling of how we can help you avoid foot discomfort and stay active.

Bunions produce a large protuberance at the base of the big toe that develops as a result of the joint becoming enlarged and moving out of place. As a bunion progresses, it becomes more painful to wear shoes. Our Gel Bunion Cushion, Bunion Care Compression Sleeve and our Slip On Felt Bunion Pad can bring swift relief.  If an ingrown toenail has created a sore toe, try our All Gel Toe Cap or our Gel and Fabric Toe Cap. Painful corns? Gel Corn Pads and Foam Toe Tubes can protect and increase comfort.

Whatever is impeding your ability to exercise, chances are we have a product that can help. Check our online catalog for a complete listing of what we offer. All of our products can be easily ordered through our website or contact  our friendly and professional staff for help by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Help for New Runners

At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we know that many people will be making a New Year’s resolution to get in shape in 2020 and running is a popular fitness choice. As with any new exercise plan, however, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. Too often in the enthusiasm of getting off to a good start, people overdo it. For runners, this can result in muscle strain and injury. Below are some products that can help with two common issues new runners experience.

Achilles Tendonitis

You Achilles tendon is a band of tissue that connects your calf muscle to your heel bone. A sudden upsurge in activity that uses this tendon—such as running—can result in micro tears in the tendon which cause inflammation and pain. This is called Achilles Tendonitis. Running regimens that have you working out too often at a high level of intensity means that your body will not have the opportunity to repair the damage and continual pain and even serious injury can occur. The solution is to choose a program that starts out slow and gradually increases in both intensity and duration. Make sure you stretch your calf muscles once you are warmed up. Our Achilles Heel Sleeve can help protect the Achilles tendon and the back of the heel. A soft gel pad inside fabric reduces friction and gently compresses the area, reducing pressure on sore spots. This sleeve is designed for use in all styles of footwear. It is latex-free and washable, so you can use it over and over again.

Runner’s Toe

The repetitive pounding of the toes up against the tips of your running shoes can result in a black toenail, known as runner’s toe. This is caused by bleeding under the toenail. If this occurs, you should check that your running shoes fit properly and that your toenails are trimmed short. Over time it should resolve. In the meantime, we recommend our All Gel Toe Cap and our Gel and Fabric Toe Cap, both of which slip over the end of the toe to provide cushioning and protection for hurting toes.

If you experience foot pain after starting a running program, see your Podiatrist. We have many products to help increase comfort while exercising. To see a complete listing of all our products, view our online catalog. You can easily order any of our products online through our website or contact us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Holiday Wish List for Your Feet

At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we know that if you’re like most people you’ve made your holiday gift list and checked it twice—but did you perhaps forget your feet? How would you have made it through the shopping, the cooking, the wrapping and all the family get-togethers without them? It’s not too late! Consider a present for your feet that will reward them for all they do with increased comfort and decreased pain from common podiatric disorders.

Gel Dancer’s Pad—designed to shift weight bearing away from any metatarsal head, the Gel Dancer’s Pad relieves ball of foot pain and pressure. Its unique design features a cut out that surrounds the area under the affected metatarsal head and redistributes the weight onto the pad and thereby relieves stress and pain. Made for use in all styles of footwear, the self-stick cushions are easy to apply and washable. Excellent for calluses, hallux limitus, metatarsalgia and fat pad atrophy.

Gel Toe Tube—toe troubles can take many forms. Our Gel Toe Tube provides long-lasting comfort and relief for conditions ranging from blisters to corns, bunions to ingrown toenails. Available in five different sizes to ensure a comfortable fit, each tube of pure silicone gel can be cut to any length and worn in any type of footwear.

Budin Splint – Single Toe—if you have a hammertoe you know how uncomfortable all forms of footwear can be. Our Budin Splint – Single Toe gently straightens your hammertoe, allowing it lie straight. This relieves pain on the top and tip of the toe and also unsightly bulges in your shoes. This product enables your toes to bear weight normally and thus slows the progression of the condition. Sturdy, yet comfortable, the Budin Splint is washable and can be used over and over.

Whatever your feet suffer with, we have something that will make a great gift for them. To see a complete listing of all our products, view our online catalog. You can easily order any of our products online through our website or contact us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Treat Foot Pain—Reduce Fall Risk

At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we know that one of the primary risk factors for falls is foot pain. If your feet hurt, it’s normal to alter the way you walk to avoid the pain. This can throw you off balance and increase the risk for a fall. For many of our customers, wintry weather throws an extra curveball with slippery conditions due to ice and snow. We urge all patients to get foot pain treated by a Podiatrist promptly. We offer many products aimed at reducing foot pain and increasing comfort while you heal. Below are some of our most popular.

Gel Ball of Foot Pads—if you suffer with metatarsalgia, a neuroma, fat pad atrophy or dropped metatarsal head pain you know that every step can be excruciating. Stabbing pain in the ball of your foot or the sensation of walking with a rock in your shoe are definitely feelings you’ll want to avoid. Enter our Gel Ball of Foot Pads. Your Podiatrist can advise you on the best position of these soft gel pads to reduce pressure to sore areas and make standing more comfortable. Self-stick makes for easy application. These pads are designed for use in all styles of footwear and they are washable for use over and over.

Gel Bunion Sleeve—is a bunion slowing you down? Our Gel Bunion Sleeve offers immediate relief from footwear pressure. The soft tan fabric slips comfortable over your big toe and the gel pad inside conforms to your foot without creating bulk in your shoe. Universal design fits either foot. For Tailor’s bunions on the little toe, try our Gel Tailor’s Bunion Pad.

Gel and Fabric Toe Cap—if toe troubles are what pain you, our Gel Fabric Toe Cap can help. It slips over the entire toe (any excess length can be cut to make a gel toe cushion for a smaller toe) and relieves pain and soreness caused by ingrown toenails, hammertoes or corns. An added benefit, the toe cap released moisturizers onto hard skin to help soften while insulating toes from shock and pressure.

No matter what’s hurting your feet, chances are we have a product that can help. To see a complete listing, view our online catalog. You can easily order any of our products online through our website or contact us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Treating Toe Deformities

Crooked toes, hammertoes, bunions—at Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads we know that toe deformities can be a source of pain and disability for many patients. If you suffer from a toe disorder, you should be under the treatment of a Podiatrist. The foot doctor will help track down the source of your toe deformity and prescribe the best treatment for you. There are a number of conservative and surgical solutions for toe deformities. Your choice of footwear can also play a key role in the progression of your disorder. Be sure to choose shoes that have a roomy toe box. Styles that squeeze toes together or are too short in the toe box can all exacerbate toe deformities, leading to increased discomfort and secondary conditions such as corns. At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we have a number of products that can help:

Wrap Straps—this simple yet effective conservative treatment can be used for re-positioning overlapping toes, hammertoes or crooked toes. Wrap Straps have an adjustable Velcro closure and can be used to secure two or three toes together. It is easy to apply and can be cut to a customized size for optimal fit. Made of a soft, thin material, these straps are comfortable and can be worn underneath socks and with any shoes.

Gel Buddy Splint—made from our Premier Gel, Gel Buddy Splint can help separate and a properly align crooked toes or overlapping digits. Consisting of two soft, stretchy gel loops with a spacer in between, this product is latex-free and comes in three sizes to ensure a comfortable fit.

Toe Separators – Foam—these soft foam separators provide relief from rubbing and irritation between toes. Made of non-medicated, Medical Grade Foam, Toe Separators give superior cushioning and gently separates toes that are overlapping or deformed.

To see a complete list of all our foot pad products, view our online catalog. You can easily order any of our products online through our website or contact us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723). Our helpful staff can answer questions and assist you in getting the right products for your all your foot conditions.