Arch Support to the Rescue

Have the dog days of summer left you with aching arches? At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads we know that many patients spend lots of time during the summer months on their feet, often in shoes with little or no arch support. Because of this, you may find that you have pain in the arch of your foot. Fortunately, we offer products that can be inserted in your shoes to give your arch a boost and relieve soreness.

Arch Steppers—these arch supports are scientifically contoured to support your arch at its most efficient height, thereby eliminating pain. Made of durable, flexible material, Arch Steppers provide comfortable and long-lasting support for hours of standing and walking. The ¾ length ensures extra room in the toe area and takes up minimal space in the shoe for maximum comfort. Designed for use in all types of footwear, including most dress shoes, the Arch Steppers are also anti-microbial and anti-bacterial.

Gel Arch Pads—weak and/or fallen arches will appreciate the soft gel cushioning offered by our Gel Arch Pads, which enables your foot to maintain its proper position. These self-stick cushions are easy to apply and can be used in all styles of footwear. Gel Arch Pads come in two thicknesses and are latex free. These supports are washable and can be used repeatedly.

Felt Arch Pads—one of our most popular items, this lightweight ¼” skived pad comes in two sizes to accommodate most shoe sizes and is latex free. Equipped with an adhesive backing, just stick the Felt Arch Pads on the bottom of the foot or inside your shoe for instant comfort.

Arch Pad – Poron Blue—these pads are made of a medical grade soft tissue supplement. Arch Pad – Blue Poron offers the highest level of protection against pressure and the maximum amount of shock absorption. These pads offer excellent arch support and skives, buffs and burrs easily and smoothly. Pads have a fully adhesive back and will not flatten or bottom out.

Proper arch support is essential for maintaining good foot health and avoiding pain and discomfort. To see more products that can help with arch support and other foot health concerns, see our online catalog or pay a visit to our store, located in Deerfield Beach, FL. If you need assistance choosing the right products, contact us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

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