Help for New Runners

At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we know that many people will be making a New Year’s resolution to get in shape in 2020 and running is a popular fitness choice. As with any new exercise plan, however, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. Too often in the enthusiasm of getting off to a good start, people overdo it. For runners, this can result in muscle strain and injury. Below are some products that can help with two common issues new runners experience.

Achilles Tendonitis

You Achilles tendon is a band of tissue that connects your calf muscle to your heel bone. A sudden upsurge in activity that uses this tendon—such as running—can result in micro tears in the tendon which cause inflammation and pain. This is called Achilles Tendonitis. Running regimens that have you working out too often at a high level of intensity means that your body will not have the opportunity to repair the damage and continual pain and even serious injury can occur. The solution is to choose a program that starts out slow and gradually increases in both intensity and duration. Make sure you stretch your calf muscles once you are warmed up. Our Achilles Heel Sleeve can help protect the Achilles tendon and the back of the heel. A soft gel pad inside fabric reduces friction and gently compresses the area, reducing pressure on sore spots. This sleeve is designed for use in all styles of footwear. It is latex-free and washable, so you can use it over and over again.

Runner’s Toe

The repetitive pounding of the toes up against the tips of your running shoes can result in a black toenail, known as runner’s toe. This is caused by bleeding under the toenail. If this occurs, you should check that your running shoes fit properly and that your toenails are trimmed short. Over time it should resolve. In the meantime, we recommend our All Gel Toe Cap and our Gel and Fabric Toe Cap, both of which slip over the end of the toe to provide cushioning and protection for hurting toes.

If you experience foot pain after starting a running program, see your Podiatrist. We have many products to help increase comfort while exercising. To see a complete listing of all our products, view our online catalog. You can easily order any of our products online through our website or contact us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Resolve to Deal with Foot Pain in the New Year

Okay, the holidays are officially winding down and it’s time to stop putting off dealing with chronic foot pain. At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we know that patients tend to procrastinate when it comes to taking care of foot and ankle discomfort. Long holiday to-do lists may have provided a convenient excuse for not seeking treatment but now it’s time to get your foot pain evaluated by a Podiatrist and get help. Chances are, you’ll wish you took action sooner. Although some treatment plans make time to completely alleviate foot or ankle pain, we have many products that can help with most common podiatric problems in the meantime.

Plantar fasciitis—pain in the arch and heel, especially when you first put your feet on the floor in the morning are characteristic of this condition. It’s caused by inflammation of the long band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot known as the plantar fascia. Patients with flat feet or those who wear shoes with insufficient arch support are more likely to experience plantar fasciitis. We suggest you try our Plantar Fasciitis Arch Sleeve or Arch Binder. Hurting heels will get relief with the Gel Heel Cup.

Achilles Tendonitis—this long, strong tendon that runs down the back of your lower leg can become aggravated through overuse or due to changes in the biomechanics of your feet. Achilles tendonitis sufferers can benefit from our Achilles Heel Sleeve, which protects and gently reduces pressure around the sore area.

Bunions—after periods of increased activity it’s not unusual for bunions to be hurting more. We offer a number of products that can provide comfortable padding to bring pain relief and provide a barrier between the bunion and footwear. A few to consider include, Removable and Slip On Felt Bunion Pad, Gel Bunion Sleeve and our Gel Bunion Cushion.

Whatever foot problem has been bothering you, we have a product that will help as you get treatment. To see a complete listing of all our products, view our online catalog. You can easily order any of our products online through our website or contact us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Holiday Wish List for Your Feet

At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we know that if you’re like most people you’ve made your holiday gift list and checked it twice—but did you perhaps forget your feet? How would you have made it through the shopping, the cooking, the wrapping and all the family get-togethers without them? It’s not too late! Consider a present for your feet that will reward them for all they do with increased comfort and decreased pain from common podiatric disorders.

Gel Dancer’s Pad—designed to shift weight bearing away from any metatarsal head, the Gel Dancer’s Pad relieves ball of foot pain and pressure. Its unique design features a cut out that surrounds the area under the affected metatarsal head and redistributes the weight onto the pad and thereby relieves stress and pain. Made for use in all styles of footwear, the self-stick cushions are easy to apply and washable. Excellent for calluses, hallux limitus, metatarsalgia and fat pad atrophy.

Gel Toe Tube—toe troubles can take many forms. Our Gel Toe Tube provides long-lasting comfort and relief for conditions ranging from blisters to corns, bunions to ingrown toenails. Available in five different sizes to ensure a comfortable fit, each tube of pure silicone gel can be cut to any length and worn in any type of footwear.

Budin Splint – Single Toe—if you have a hammertoe you know how uncomfortable all forms of footwear can be. Our Budin Splint – Single Toe gently straightens your hammertoe, allowing it lie straight. This relieves pain on the top and tip of the toe and also unsightly bulges in your shoes. This product enables your toes to bear weight normally and thus slows the progression of the condition. Sturdy, yet comfortable, the Budin Splint is washable and can be used over and over.

Whatever your feet suffer with, we have something that will make a great gift for them. To see a complete listing of all our products, view our online catalog. You can easily order any of our products online through our website or contact us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Treat Foot Pain—Reduce Fall Risk

At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we know that one of the primary risk factors for falls is foot pain. If your feet hurt, it’s normal to alter the way you walk to avoid the pain. This can throw you off balance and increase the risk for a fall. For many of our customers, wintry weather throws an extra curveball with slippery conditions due to ice and snow. We urge all patients to get foot pain treated by a Podiatrist promptly. We offer many products aimed at reducing foot pain and increasing comfort while you heal. Below are some of our most popular.

Gel Ball of Foot Pads—if you suffer with metatarsalgia, a neuroma, fat pad atrophy or dropped metatarsal head pain you know that every step can be excruciating. Stabbing pain in the ball of your foot or the sensation of walking with a rock in your shoe are definitely feelings you’ll want to avoid. Enter our Gel Ball of Foot Pads. Your Podiatrist can advise you on the best position of these soft gel pads to reduce pressure to sore areas and make standing more comfortable. Self-stick makes for easy application. These pads are designed for use in all styles of footwear and they are washable for use over and over.

Gel Bunion Sleeve—is a bunion slowing you down? Our Gel Bunion Sleeve offers immediate relief from footwear pressure. The soft tan fabric slips comfortable over your big toe and the gel pad inside conforms to your foot without creating bulk in your shoe. Universal design fits either foot. For Tailor’s bunions on the little toe, try our Gel Tailor’s Bunion Pad.

Gel and Fabric Toe Cap—if toe troubles are what pain you, our Gel Fabric Toe Cap can help. It slips over the entire toe (any excess length can be cut to make a gel toe cushion for a smaller toe) and relieves pain and soreness caused by ingrown toenails, hammertoes or corns. An added benefit, the toe cap released moisturizers onto hard skin to help soften while insulating toes from shock and pressure.

No matter what’s hurting your feet, chances are we have a product that can help. To see a complete listing, view our online catalog. You can easily order any of our products online through our website or contact us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723).

Help for Holiday Heel Pain Flare Ups

At Dr. Jill’s Foot Pads, we’re hearing that many of our customers are experiencing heel pain. This is no surprise to us. The holiday season mean lots of pounding the pavement—literally—looking for gifts, running errands and making the rounds of holiday parties. This can take a toll on your heels. Heel pain can have several sources. It’s natural as you age for the fat pad on your heel to wear down. This is called heel pad atrophy. Less padding means your heel is more easily inflamed. Poor arch support can also impact your heel if the plantar fascia, a long band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot becomes inflamed. Fortunately, we have products that can give your heel the extra help it needs to make it through the holiday season.

Warwick Heel Wedge—if you have an anomaly in your gait, such as feet that turn inward or outward, the effects will definitely be exaggerated with extra walking. The Warwick Heel Wedge improves walking habits and posture. It is reversible so it can be used for either inward or outward leading. Hypoallergenic and latex-free, this product is available in three sizes to accommodate male and female feet.

Gel Heel Sleeve—this product protects the heel from pressure, abrasion and friction and provides an added bonus benefit during this dry season: the medical grade gel inside the sleeve gradually dissipates a mineral oil  to moisturize, soften, soothe and rejuvenate dry skin. The Gel Heel Sleeve is washable and can be re-used over and over again. It has a universal design, so it fits comfortably on either foot.

Gel Heel Cup—your heel will feel like its floating on a gel cloud! Gel Heel Cup provides superior cushioning and relief for those who are spending long hours on their feet. Designed for use in all styles of footwear, this product can be washed and used many times.

If the holiday season has you experiencing foot pain, chances are we have a product that will help. To see a complete listing of all our products, view our online catalog. You can easily order any of our products online through our website or contact us by calling: (866) FOOT-PAD (366-8723). Our helpful staff is ready to answer questions and assist you in getting the right products for you.